Thursday, November 28, 2019

Role of Students in Ani-Corruption of Society free essay sample

Our Indian poet Bharathi has told clearly the role of young students in our Indian society and about their patriotism and social service. In our life student phase is very difficult to get back. So at this this stage of life students must not waste their precious time and they must involve in social activities. Students must join in many organizations such as Blue cross society. They must have helping tendency and must be patriotic and must try their level best to bring up our country. Students must be mainly Disciplined in all aspects. Discipline is greater than anyother thing in life. It makes our life cherished with all good moments filled up in it. Our ancient poet Thiruvalluvar has told a lot about Discipline. To quote few examples: *King Harichandra maintained his Honest policy of not lying till the end of his life. For maintaining this disciplined policy he even renounced his luxury life and his family. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Students in Ani-Corruption of Society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page *The great lord Rama respected his Father’s word and abondened his life as a king and went to the forest for fourteen years. *Jesus even during his crucifixtion prayed god that his enemies must survive. We must not forget the discipline followed by these great men after finishing our examination. We must follow the disciplined policies of these great men in our day to day life. So it is very important for us to follow this kind of a good discipline in order to achieve something in our life. When these great men follow discipline why shouldn’t we? The role of student in a society entails various things. Firstly, to concentrate on studies so that they develop into well-educated individuals that make significant contributions to the society in the future. Secondly, to pass on whatever knowledge they have to others. This can take on many forms ranging from helping your siblings to creating awareness about environmental issues such as global warming. Thirdly, to act as responsible adolescents. This means to steer clear of any unlawful activities. It also involves not damaging the society and avoiding acts of vandalism. Students should try and refrain themselves from all such activities for their benefit as well as the societys. Fourthly, to do what they can to protect their environment and society. Students should avoid littering places and should try to invest a few hours into community services if possible. Students should also behave respectfully to the elders of the society and take care of their needs i. e. help an elder to cross a road; stand up and make space for an elder to sit if there is none. Read more: http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_the_role_of_student_in_the_society#ixzz1UoC7BOVm ROLE OF Â  STUDENTS IN FREE INDIA The students must actively participate in the economic development of the country. The ‘Green Revolution’ if taken up by the students can work miracles. Even in the towns students can do much. They can. for instance, fight against ticketless travelling in trains and buses, fight against smuggling, illicit distillation of liquor, and indeed can contribute a great a deal towards social reforms. ORIENTATION STUDENT: Students must be given military training. It shall keep them fit and strong to defend the country against aggression. Military training is essential for it imparts a sense of discipline which otherwise is also essential in life. Moreover, the youth of the nation must not only be able to resist an attack but also strike a blow when the honour of the nation is trampled upon. The sense of patriotism and love for the country must be inculcated in the students. The glamorous attraction for western countries and civilisation must be firmly discouraged. If it is a necessity to make education practically useful, then it is also necessary to keep the students away from politics. The students should have nothing to do with active politics and politicians. The academic peace and the sanctity of the temples of learning must not be polluted by politicians. The students on their part must also give up hooligism, violence and lawlessness. The criminal acts of burning buses’ and damaging public property must stop immediately. They must listen to reason and even if they have complaint, grievances and dissatisfaction, they must adopt peaceful ways of expressing them. A love for virtue, righteousness and a sense of self-respect and personal dignity must be inculcated in the student. Moral and intellectual frustration must be removed. A sweet accord between the teacher and the taught must be established. Love for extra-curricular activities, debates, dramatics and cultural activities must be restored. Education must provide substantial activities and sufficient amenities to occupy the students. The main problem with the students is that they do not have enough incentive and definiteness of purpose, otherwise there is nothing wrong fundamentally with them.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Documentary analysis Essays

Documentary analysis Essays Documentary analysis Essay Documentary analysis Essay Food Inc. , a 2008 documentary film directed and produced by Robert Keener, exposes the secrets about how food is processed. Robert Keener is famous for exposing facts and controversies that are rarely discussed. He is also known for his authenticity and his desire to reveal the truth. Keener has received several awards for his films. Food Inc. Even influenced some food policy decisions. His documentary, Food Inc. , talks about the industrialization of the food system in America. The documentary is targeted towards the general public. The documentarys main focus or argument is that the agricultural business in America produces food that is both harmful to the environment and to the consumers while also being abusive to animals and workers. The documentary is informative. Its main objective is to inform the viewers about the secrets that are deliberately hidden from them. The documentary uses specific rhetorical appeals to support its objectives like, ethos. It provides statistics that show how much the food industry has changed over the years in America. It also interviews farmers that have firsthand knowledge of the food industry. The documentary also uses the pathos rhetorical appeal. The documentary shows scenes where animals are being treated inhumanely. For instance, dozens of cows were being kept in dirty pens. The cows could barely move and were covered in feces. The documentary also shows scenes where consumers suffer from the neglect of the companies that process the food. For example, a mother was talking about how her 2 year old son was killed because of E. Coli that he contracted from eating a contaminated hamburger. Moreover, there were also other children who were killed because of eating contaminated meat. The documentary also discussed how workers are being treated poorly. There are scenes showing illegal immigrant workers being arrested but the companies that hired them and brought them to America are not being questioned. This also stirs emotional response from the viewers. Another rhetorical appeal that was used is logos. It is logical that consumers will suffer the consequences of neglect. The documentary also provided a logical reason why companies do this. The reason is that it lessens the cost of production at the same mime, maximizes profits. Through the use of ethos, pathos and logos, the director was able to prove that the food industry produces food that is both harmful and abusive to the animals, consumers and workers. Food Inc. Is an eye opener. It shows the flaw of the food system in America. It unveils the truth that is deliberately hidden by the food processing companies to urge consumers to buy their products. Food is one of the most important commodities in the world. Consumers have the right to know where their food comes from and how it is processed.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Saudi Arabia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example It stands as a significant industrial country, claiming over 25% of the global oil reserve. It is this wealth in oil that Saudi Arabia is known for and is what drives the country’s economy. Considered as the origin of Islam, the country has been keen to preserve its historical richness with the passage of time. Geography Saudi Arabia occupies about 80% of the Arabian Peninsula, measuring 865,000 square miles, just about 25% of the total surface are of the US. This is a big country as compared to the size of other countries globally. The country borders the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and the Persian Gulf to the east, Oman and Yemen to the south and Kuwait, Iraq and Jordan to the north. On the west, the Red Sea separates it from Sudan, Eritrea and Egypt. Its entire geography indicates a plateau that rises from the Red Sea and slopes down gradually to the Persian Gulf. Even though its mountains rise as high as 9,000 feet, Saudi Arabia has no permanent rivers, lakes and big fores ts, making Janin and Besheer (7) refer to it as the driest large country. Thus, the country is largely a desert meaning that green vegetation is rare apart from those regions near oases. Saudi Arabia hosts the world’s greatest continuous sand expanse in its southeastern corner named the Empty Quarter. It covers about 264,000 square miles, equivalent to the size of Texas State (Zuhur 21). With this, Saudi Arabia is characterized by the desert geography including sand dunes and shrubs. Farming would be a rare activity unless under irrigated land. The climate varies greatly on different parts of the country, ranging from dry and hot summers in the northern and central regions to winters with moderate temperatures during the day and cold, at times freezing, at night. This variation in day and night temperatures could be articulated to the lack of clouds that allow the sunrays to heat the earth and the heat quickly disappears at night with no clouds to offer insulation. This weath er could be harsh for persons seeking to live in the country. The summers in the gravel or sand deserts could be as hot as 49oC with these areas rarely experiencing any rains. The rainfall is uneven and unreliable averaging less than 10 cm per year (Zuhur 45). This makes it hard to farm with reliance on rainfall, meaning that the country cannot supply itself with sufficient food. Socio-economic Life Saudi Arabia has a population of about 29.6 million people with Arabic as the national language. For an American visitor, a translator would therefore be important because most of the communication will be in Arabic. Among the important religious holidays is Eid al-Fitr, the festival of breaking fast marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan (Zuhur 23). Others include Eid al-Aidha and Hajj. Mosques serve as places of worship and are thus scared places. With Islam being a common religion in the country, a majority of the women would thus be in their long loose-fitting dresses while men would be in their traditional garbs. Interestingly, men are considered the guardians of women according to the law and therefore take responsibility for their behavior. This makes women inferior as opposed to many modern states where gender equality has caused men and women to be regarded as equals. Additionally, marriage is not organized by one family but by both families. These marriages rarely involve people from different families because Zuhur (155) observes that first cousin marriages are common.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discuss the importance of Recruitment and selection of sales Essay

Discuss the importance of Recruitment and selection of sales people.What are some of the problems associated with selecting the - Essay Example It incorporates the search for persons who can hold positions that are required by a particular organization. In the practise of recruitment and selection, there is a huge difference between order taking and order getting positions in sales. Thus, this situation gives a difference in the demand of these two jobs. Various aspect of marketing plays a major role in focusing of the enterprise. Enterprise has the mandate to pick on the best strategy for covering a target market. The role of sales managers in an organization is ensuring that they have organized the sales force to enable all necessary tasks to be executed2. Large organizations have a diverse sales force in accordance to different selling tasks, and the target market they intend to serve. With indispensability, every organization should hire good and well qualified persons to occupy the sales’ force. Some large organizations are more careful to a point of updating the list of possible qualified candidates for such pos itions. For instance, the organizations may schedule candidates for multiple interviews to ensure that there are thorough background checks, and psychological tests, which are important in sales. Never the less, organizations use diverse method of evaluating the capability of potential sales persons. Some of the most frequently used methods include a personal interview, reference checks and background information that is mostly provided on application blanks. Recruitment of sales persons is the most delicate thing that is carried out by organizations in the present day. In essence, the evaluation techniques that are used are both psychological and non psychological. These selection methods can be evaluated in numerous ways such as validity, impartiality, scope usage and cost3. Validity is the statistical correlation level between the test score and the performance of employees such as satisfaction and commitment with reference to the position that the employee has been granted. Impa rtiality entails the capability to evaluate employees in an objective manner without discrimination in terms of sex, ethnicity religion among others. The scope of usage indicates the most potential ways of applying for various opportunities on both the specific group of tasks, and the wide array of opportunities. Although these methods are said to be very expensive, organizations are recommended to frequently use them in hiring the right employees for the right positions4. However, before the selection of the sale force is done, it is worth noting that the positions to be filled should be first analysed on the basis of the job description, hiring process and company trainings. Essential abilities for successful sales people, over and above, the techniques that are used to identify them should be determined. The methods of selection ought to test on the strongest and the weakest performing sales persons by detecting the personality qualities, skilfulness, and abilities that are likel y to lead into success or failure of the sales person. Moreover, sales persons should undergo training on the products the specific organization markets, and the effective sales presentation that required in sales. Although a job description tells more of what is expected from the sales team, the practical part of it is more important as the work basically entails going to the target market to seek sales5. Sales training which is part of selection should be modified depending on the skills and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Psycho-pharmacology review Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psycho-pharmacology review - Research Paper Example When taken by pregnant women, the drug is known to cause various birth defects. Studies reveal that sertraline is very effective in the treatment of some subtypes of depression and panic disorder but not in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (O'Kearney). Although the drug is used to treat social phobia and posttraumatic stress disorder, it leads to only modest improvement in these conditions. 2. Ritalin: The generic name of this drug is methylphenidate hydrochloride which is a central nervous system stimulant. Ritalin is used in the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adults. It is also used in the symptomatic management of narcolepsy. Ritalin can become addictive. Some of the common side effects of this drug include nervousness, agitation, anxiety or irritability, trouble sleeping (insomnia), loss of appetite, headache, stomach ache, nausea, dizziness and heart palpitations. It is also known to cause some serious side effects like slowing of growth in children, seizures and eyesight changes or blurred vision. Although there is no information regarding the safety and effectiveness of long-term Ritalin treatment in children, it has been found to be very effective in the treatment of ADHD (St. Louis Psychologists and Counseling Information and Referral).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Brother-Sister Marriages in Graeco Roman Egypt

Brother-Sister Marriages in Graeco Roman Egypt Was it common to find brother-sister marriages in Graeco-Roman Egypt? What is the Evidence for this? This essay will be focusing on brother-sister marriages in Graeco Roman Egypt, and the evidence that we have for it through papyri sources. Although inter-family marriages are not common today, they were certainly practised during Graeco-Roman Egypt. The aim of this essay is to high-light the reasons why such marriages occurred and also, provide evidence of such marriages by means of papyri letters, contracts and documents that was saved from the period. Furthermore, this paper is going to present ideas about incest, and whether or not brother-sister marriages were accepted by society, who can marry, and theories for inter-marriage. During the Roman Egypt period, a census was orchestrated every 14 years, in order to take a household count, and to control taxes. Today, only 172 legible census reports remain, and historians and papyrologists have used this information to analyse the lives of the Graeco-Roman Egypt citizens. This analysis and papyri evidence, and also the works of notable anthropologists, historians and papyrologists, has helped to answer and understand this argument today. Background and Origins of Brother-Sister marriage Nearly everybody in Roman Egypt was married at some point in their lives. Girls in Roman Egypt were expected to be married as young as 12, and definitely by their mid 20s. In Graeco Roman Egypt, marriage laws were different and confusing amongst each society. Marriages were performed under contracts, and for most marriages, there were no age restrictions, unlike today. The strangest element of Graeco-Roman Egypt was that there was no law against close-kin marriages. In fact, brothers and sisters often married as was practiced throughout the previous generations. Evidence for this came from the Roman period through papyri and census returns. It was believed that before the Roman period, women were the inheritors of the land and in order to keep it in the family, the inheritor would have had to marry her brother.The Romans prohibited this custom and would often confiscate the estate if such a marriage took place. However, this law did not apply for Egyptians. For many societies today, it is considered normal to avoid sexual relationships between full brother and sister. However, in the Mediterranean world, such as in the Greek and Roman societies, close kin marriages such as cousin-cousin or even uncle-niece marriages were accepted and encouraged. Brother-Sister marriages originated from the Egyptian tradition of â€Å"Royal incest† which was practised in Egypt by the Pharaohs as far back as 2000BC. According to anthropologist ÄÅ'erny, brother-sister marriages in the royal family were very frequent. For example, the marriage of brother and sister, Isis and Osiris, was seen as divine incest to avoid outsiders. Other Royal marriage amongst brother and sister was that during the Ptolemy Era in Egypt. Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIV were married and she did bore his offspring. It is believed one of the explanations for these Royal marriages was a â€Å"strategy to avoid splitting up of property†or to maintain â€Å"ethnic political status† of the Greeks in Egypt. Although marriage between brother-sister was frequent within the royal family and in Graeco Roman Egypt during the second century CE, it was common for husbands to call their wives ‘sister. This is however not strong enough evidence to ce rtify brother-sister marriage. The laws for marrying brothers and sisters were different in each country. In Ancient Greece, Athenians were allowed to marry half siblings if they were from the same father but different mother whereas Spartans were allowed to marry half siblings from the same mother but different father. In Egypt it is argued to be customary to marry brother and sister. Greek King Ptolemy II continued this custom and married his sister Arsinoe which violated his native Macedonian custom. This started a ‘trend as the next seven of the eleven Greek kings of Egypt married their sisters. Full brother and sister marriage or â€Å"incestuous marriages† is believed to be a regular practise in Graeco Roman Egypt and it took place mainly amongst the elite population. The marriages were genuine, not just for bureaucratic reasons. Many sociologists find this hard to comprehend without returning to the taboo on incest. Evidence of the marriages was first noticed in papyri dating from as early as the first century CE. Although brother-sister marriage would be deemed incestuous today, evidence appearing in papyri shows that brother-sister marriages were socially and legally accepted at the time. This can be seen from official census returns which shows that a large percentage of the marriages were between brother and sister.However, as stated before, attention should be taken when interpreting the papyri. Private letters which were amongst the papyri found in the Fayyum area of Egypt, showed the terms ‘brother and ‘sister in letters between husbands and wives. This nevertheless, should not be taken as literally. Most of the papyri documenting these marriages originate from the Fayyum and according to Hopkins; the women are documented as being â€Å"wife and sister from the same father and the same mother† which â€Å"leaves little room for ambiguity†. Perhaps brother-sister marriage can be due to a restriction of choice. In Roman Egypt, marriages were most likely to have been arranged and therefore, many young women ended up marrying older men or men pre-arranged through family. For Greeks and Romans in Egypt, the choice was very limited as there was the political and social status to consider. Many Greeks did marry Egyptian women however, certain laws applied when it came to status regarding children. Marrying brother and sister was seen as the ideal solution to some Greek families as it overcame the issue of a dowry or the division of family property. Inter family marriages also overcame issues of Greek racism. Sociologist Brent Shaw suggests that Greek settlers in Egypt married within the family to separate themselves from the Egyptian population and to also keep a pure blood ancestry so to avoid tax disadvantages. Despite all these reasons, most scholars agree that although practised, it is known that both Greek and Roman societies prohibited any sexual relationship between siblings. However, in most cases, Greek traditions of endogamy were pushed to the limit. It is also believed amongst scholars that although practised throughout lower and upper Egypt, in the bigger towns rather than villages, inter family marriages were more common amongst the Greek than the Egyptians. This phenomenon of endogamy in Graeco Roman Egypt could be traced to Greek Oedipal mythology, which leads us to the subject of incest. Is Brother-Sister Marriage Considered Incest? Incest refers to sexual activity between two family members and is very much a cultural taboo in most societies and holds heavy penalties. Whilst parent-children or sibling-sibling relations are illegal, other relations such as cousin-cousin may be acceptable in other societies and cultures. The practice of brother-sister marriage has never been common among any other society apart from the Graeco-Roman Egyptian society. Full brother and sister marriage was practised throughout the first three centuries after Christ. Incestuous marriage was widespread during Graeco-Roman Egypt and the evidence for this show in numerous papyri and household census returns. Anthropologist Brent Shaw states that, â€Å"the word incest is linked to moral, social and legal norms established in Graeco-Roman antiquity.† The Latin word for incest- incestum means to be ‘unclean or ‘not pure which refers more specifically to committing a forbidden act between family members. In Graeco-Roman antiquity, there was a difference as to what was considered acceptable behaviour. Roman law and social practices regarding incestuous marriage was far more intolerable than those of Greek law and practices. Shaw states that the Greeks did not have a word similar to the Latin ‘incestumuntil the arrival of Christianity to the society. This shows the differences in attitude towards brother-sister and other close kin marriages.In Greek society, close kin marriage was more acceptable and practised than it was in Roman society. This attitude shows in the story of Oedipus and other stories of the same nature. This attitude was brought over to Egypt and even continued and encouraged. Marriage between cousins and half brother/sister marriages were accepted and became the norm for the Greek population in Egypt. This caused a clash with the Roman societys ‘stringent rules towards incest. Marriages between ethnicities, for example Greek or Roman-Egyptian were however frowned upon. It is not certain whether these marriages can be considered ‘incestuous as a long history of sibling marriage existed throughout the society. To them, this was regarded as the norm and it even existed amongst Egyptian Royalty. The addition of myths and stories justified that brother-sister marriage was accepted and that incest was doubtful. Potential Theories for Inter-Marriage In Egypt, this practice was common amongst the Royal family; however it was still considered a taboo. There are no real explanations as to why they adopted these practices but sociologist Hopkins believes that there are four theories behind inter-family marriage. One factor being the high rate of mortality. Research into the demography of Graeco Roman Egypt at the time, shows that the gap between surviving siblings is so high that the â€Å"son looking for a mate must go outside the family.† Therefore, the only way to solve this was to marry within the family. However, according to the â€Å"indifference theory† by J.R. Fox, belief was that â€Å"boys and girls living and playing together from childhood showed an absence of erotic feeling towards each other†. The main point behind this theory is that â€Å"boys and girls brought up together show no desire for incest.† However in contradiction to this, there were instances of incest between siblings which links to Sigmund Freuds theory of â€Å"suppression† where â€Å"incestuous desires come from the subconscious†.This again, relates to the influences of Greek myths such as Oedipus and stories of Egyptian Gods Isis and Osiris who were brother and sister as well as husband and wife. Social Class Social status may play a part in brother-sister marriages. Those with status liked to maintain â€Å"racial purity† and this was maintained through means of close-kin marriages. The social class in Graeco-Roman Egypt was divided. The Romans and Greeks lived privileged lives whereas the Egyptians remained poor. Therefore, marriages remained within the respective societies. With respect to inheritance, sibling marriages were favoured as any land was to be distributed equally among the children. However in regards to women in Graeco-Roman Egypt, property and land was secured by marriage contracts therefore being financially protected in the event of divorce of death of a husband. Those who still inherited land were not subject to the Roman tax poll. Women who married out of the family had to take along with her property that she had inherited. Therefore, the only way to keep property within the family, even if the marriage ended in divorce or death was to marry a brother. According to Greek practices the father had the power to choose a spouse for his daughter and so, the ideal solution was to arrange brother-sister marriages so that the family will not lose property as land was very important for social status and mobility, and was used for financial gain. As girls married young in Graeco-Roman Egypt, it was fairly easy to influence these marriages. Papyri Evidence of Brother-Sister Marriage Evidence for such marriages comes from the census household returns. However, the evidence can be seen as biased to the richer population as their papers would have been better preserved compared to those of the poor Egyptians. The census was conducted every 14 years between the years 19 C.E. and 257 C.E. Out of 172 of the legible census returns, between 15-21 per cent was marriage between brother and sister. 12 per cent of these marriages were between full brother and sister. Here are the papyri evidence for brother-sister marriage, which comes in the form of letters, wedding invitations, marriage contracts and birth registrations: Registering the birth of a son P.Oxy 2858 To Agathodaimon and Herakleidesscribes of the metropolis, from Kephalas son of Heron son of Theon and from his wife who is sister of the same father and of the same mother,Didumewe register the son born to us, Didumos. We deposit a notification of his birth. This is a document registering the birth of a son. The parents are citizens of the Metropolis Arsinoe. This was a privileged status and their reference of being husband and wife as well as brother and sister was necessary to identify themselves. Here is another example of a brother-sister couple registering the birth of their child: Apynchis and Tapasis, his sister-wife, registering their eight year old daughter 14 February 185 AD To Hermophilos, royal scribe of the Arsinoite nome. Herakleides division, from Aphynchis, son of an unknown father and his mother Tapholemis, and from his sister Tapasis, born from the same mother who is also his wifewe register our daughter Taesis, who was born to us both and is now eight years old The next papyri source comes from two parents who were also children of a brother-sister marriage. This papyri shows two generations of brother-sister marriages, therefore proving that it did occur and that it was common and accepted in society. P.Tebt.320 To Sarapionand Serenusexamining magistrates, from Eudaimon, son of Heron son of Souchas, his mother being Herons sister Thermoutharion and from his wife Sarapias who is his sister of the same father and of the same mother, both of metropolitan status Hopkins suggests that brother-sister marriage was due to parents wanting to save the expense of their daughters dowry. However, he also states that this was not an advantage in means of wealth as outside marriages could potentially bring in the same amount of wealth in terms of inheritance. Some Egyptians just chose to believe that brother-sister marriage would result in an economical advantage. This papyri is an example of a marriage settlement between brother and sister, where a dowry was specified. This proves that as well as this being a brother-sister marriage, the brother/husband also received a dowry from her, perhaps paid by their father. BGU 183; Mitteis, Chrestomathie 313 Horos son of Tesenophisaged about forty three years with a scar on the left calf agrees with his own sister by the same father and the same mother who is also his wife, Eriea, aged about thirty five years with a scarthat he as party to agreement has hereby received from hera dowry of silverto the value of twenty drachmae. Let the married pair live together without recrimination just as they have done before, and Horos is to provide all necessities and clothing befitting to a wedded wifeIf Horos leaves her, then he as party to the agreement is to return the dowry within thirty days of being asked for it Other evidence of brother-sister marriage comes in the form of a divorce contract. Even though the couple are brother and sister, sometimes, the marriage does not work out, and therefore ends in divorce. Here is an example of this: P.Mil.Vogl.85, AD 138 Copy of a contract;Kronion son of Kronion aged about 54 years with a scar on his left forearm and his ex wife Taorsenouphis, who is also his sister of the same father and of the same mother, aged 50 years without distinguishing marksagree with each other that their life together has been brought to an endand it is agreed that each of them may administer his own affairs as he chooses and Taorsenouphis can live together with another man without reprisal of any kind Brother-Sister marriages were seen as common and not abnormal, therefore they were celebrated openly and guests were invited by invitation: P.Oxy.524 Dionysius invites you to dinner at the marriage of his own children (teknà ´n)tomorrow, that is the 30th at the 9th hour P.Oxy. III Herais invites you to dinner at the marriage of her children at home tomorrow, that is the fifth, at the 9th hour. These wedding invitations clearly show that brother-sister marriage was in fact common and accepted by society. They also provide proof that such practices did occur. Invitations were usually delivered by hand the day before the wedding.> Private letters between husbands and wives may provide evidence of brother-sister marriage, but they cannot be seen as sufficient proof as calling someone ‘brother or ‘sister was seen as a term of endearment. There are archives of letters between husband and wife using these terms of endearment, however, the next source is of a letter from a husband to his wife and sister: P.Oxy.528 Serenus to Isidora, his sister and wife, many greetings. Before all else I pray that you are wellI want you to know that ever since you left me I have been grieving, weeping by night and lamenting by dayYou sent me letters which would have moved a stone, so much did your words affect me. Do let me know if you are coming back or not. This letter shows that although they were brother and sister, they were also affectionate as husband and wife. Love was an evident emotion in brother-sister marriage as well as in outside marriage. This goes to show that perhaps the children were not forced to marry but chose to marry out of love for their sibling. Evidence for love, comes in the form of this love letter, perhaps from a wife to her husband: P.Oxy.3059 Didyme to Apollonius, her brother and sun greetings.Know that I do not see the sun,Since I do not see you;I have no sun but you The archive of Apollonios the strategos and Aline, AD 113-120 This was an archive of over 200 Greek papyri, belonging to the wealthy Apollonios family who were landowners in the Hermopolite nome. Apollonios the strategos was part of the highest office in the bureaucracy of Graeco-Roman Egypt. Apollonios was married to Aline who was believed to also be his sister. The couple frequently wrote letters as Apollonios spent most of his time away from his family, addressing each other as ‘brother and ‘sister.> Aline to Apollonios C.Pap.Jud.II 436 (September AD 115) Aline to Apollonios her brother, many greetings. I am very worried about you, because of events that are said to be taking place and because you left me suddenlyPlease, then, keep yourself safe and do not put yourself in dangerTo Apollonios my brother. This could be proof that they were brother and sister, as well as husband and wife. However, due to the frequent use of ‘brother and ‘sister during the time, it is not certain whether this can be used as real evidence. We now return to the question being posed of this paper; â€Å"Was it common to find brother-sister marriages in Graeco-Roman Egypt?† The answer is indeed, yes, it was common to find these marriages. Brother-sister marriages were considered a norm for Graeco-Roman Egypt as it was practised* by ancestors before them. We also know that these marriages were sanctioned in traditional myths such as, the brother-sister marriage of Isis and Osiris. The Oedipus myth also allowed this practise to be justified. These marriages were not classed as ‘incestuous as it was very normal and traditional to marry within the family. Inheriting land and property also played a part in making these marriages common, as families wanted their land to be kept within the family. From the surviving evidence, we can see that people openly stated in letters and documents that they were ‘husband and wife of the same father and of the same mother. And wedding invitations were even sent to guests, inviting them to celebrate the family wedding. It is fair to say that these marriages were accepted. Brother-sister marriages were more common amongst the Greeks and Egyptians rather than the Roman citizens, as it was customary in Greek and Egyptian cultures. The genetic effects amongst offspring of these marriages are un-known as nothing in papyri states that family marriages links to this. However, considering some families only married within the family for several generations, it may be safe to say that there is no direct link between sibling marriage and genetic defects, which is probably why it was more acceptable during that period. References Bagnall, R.S. and B. Frier (1994) â€Å"The Demography of Roman Egypt† (Cambridge) Lindsay, J. (1963) â€Å"Daily Life in Roman Egypt† (Frederick Muller Limited) Lindsay, J. (1963) â€Å"Daily Life in Roman Egypt† (Frederick Muller Limited) Lindsay, J. (1963) â€Å"Daily Life in Roman Egypt† (Frederick Muller Limited) Huebner,S.R (2007) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† (Columbia) Huebner,S.R (2007) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt†(Columbia) Shaw B.D. (1992) â€Å"Explaining Incest: Brother Sister Marriage in Graeco-Roman Egypt† Shaw B.D. (1992) â€Å"Explaining Incest: Brother Sister Marriage in Graeco-Roman Egypt† Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History Bagnall, R.S. and B. Frier (1994) â€Å"The Demography of Roman Egypt† (Cambridge) Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History Shaw B.D. (1992) â€Å"Explaining Incest: Brother Sister Marriage in Graeco-Roman Egypt† Endogamy-marriage within a particular society or tribe or ancestry J. Modrzejewski,(2005) â€Å"Greek law in the Hellenistic Period: Family and Marriage† (Cambridge) Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History Shaw B.D. (1992) â€Å"Explaining Incest: Brother Sister Marriage in Graeco-Roman Egypt† Shaw B.D. (1992) â€Å"Explaining Incest: Brother Sister Marriage in Graeco-Roman Egypt† Shaw B.D. (1992) â€Å"Explaining Incest: Brother Sister Marriage in Graeco-Roman Egypt† Shaw B.D. (1992) â€Å"Explaining Incest: Brother Sister Marriage in Graeco-Roman Egypt† Parker, S. (1996) â€Å"Full Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt: Another Look† Cultural Anthropology, Vol.11, No.3, pp362-376(American Anthropological Association) Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History Fox,J, R. (1962) â€Å"Sibling Incest†, British Journal of Sociology Vol. 13, No.2 pp.128-150 (Blackwell Publishing) Fox,J, R. (1962) â€Å"Sibling Incest†, British Journal of Sociology Vol. 13, No.2 pp.128-150 (Blackwell Publishing) Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History Parker, S. (1996) â€Å"Full Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt: Another Look† Cultural Anthropology, Vol.11, No.3, pp362-376(American Anthropological Association) Parker, S. (1996) â€Å"Full Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt: Another Look† Cultural Anthropology, Vol.11, No.3, pp362-376(American Anthropological Association) Parker, S. (1996) â€Å"Full Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt: Another Look† Cultural Anthropology, Vol.11, No.3, pp362-376(American Anthropological Association) Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History Parker, S. (1996) â€Å"Full Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt: Another Look† Cultural Anthropology, Vol.11, No.3, pp362-376(American Anthropological Association) Parker, S. (1996) â€Å"Full Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt: Another Look† Cultural Anthropology, Vol.11, No.3, pp362-376(American Anthropological Association) Rowlandson, J., (1998) Women Society in Greek Roman Egypt; a sourcebook. (Cambridge) Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History, Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History, Hopkins, K. (1980) â€Å"Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt† Comparative Studies in Society and History, Rowlandson, J., (1998) Women Society in Greek Roman Egypt; a sourcebook. (Cambridge) Rowlandson, J., (1998) Women Society in Greek Roman Egypt; a sourcebook. (Cambridge) Verb: ‘He practises the piano every day noun: ‘These practices have all but died out

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Title IX Amendment Essay -- American Government, Sports

In 1972, after the feminist’s movement, a proposition act was created to help increase hiring rates and employment practices of federally financed institutions for women. The amendment proposition first caught attention in 1969 when a professor and future women’s activist Bernice Sandler used executive orders created by President Johnson years earlier to fight for her job at the University of Maryland. Sandler encouraged and filed her first complaint to the Department of Labor office that her rights were not being considered. The complaint went further and passed not only the University of Maryland but onto universities that have showed low admission rates of female employees. Sandler then joined NOW (National Organization for Women) and collaborated with Woman’s Equity Action League (WEAL). Together Sandler filed 250 complaints against colleges across the nation. After the file complaints Bernice Sandler joined with Representative Judith Green’s subcommittee for Higher Learning and appeared at a women’s rights congressional meeting. That is when Title IX was then first proposed by Green and Sandler at the meeting. With the help of Congresswomen Patsy T. Mink, Title IX was finally introduced and drafted. The amendment had a huge impact on female collegiate athletes, but was not mentioned in the meeting. According to Wikipedia Title IX reads: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance..." The concern of present day Title IX amendment was revised in order to reflect gender equality, giving females the same opportunity as males to get ... ...tment of Education disapproves of cutting teams in order to comply with Title IX (Wikipedia). I believe that the point of the Title IX amendment was not to hurt male sports. It is the schools choice to cut back sports that do not bring revenue, but they have to do it with their budget and to comply with the rules of the amendment. I hope they can find a way to keep it equal with both genders using the same budget. I stay optimistic that it is only going to get better right when the economy begins to get better. Until then, Title IX is going keep cutting male sports for years to come unless they can find some outsource money like private schools do to keep all of their sports. Our education system has a lot of improvement to make. I also think that California is getting the worse part of it since were in a lot worse money crisis compared to the other states.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Article Review on Mentoring in the Workplace

IntroductionMentoring and its application is very much the vogue today in corporate America. It is a strategy employed by companies or institutions to enhance professionalism and the increased transfer of learning and building of skills from the more adept and/or experienced to the junior or neophyte employee. It is also a way of improved retention rate within a company.DiscussionA survey conducted by the TWA, a publication of the Society of the Petroleum Engineers, revealed that in the integrated major oil companies, 36% responded on the subject matter they posed on mentoring. Another which participated came from the service and/or manufacturing companies (28%). The article substantially presented the essence of mentoring, what an ideal mentor is like, and the prevalence of the practice in organizations as well as the projected status this process would attain in the future (Tealdi and Donachie, 2007).An excellently done study, the article mentions the many-faceted concept that ment oring is today. It was able to give the reader a balanced idea whether this practice has done well in terms of its success in the application. For instance, the finding that the reasons other companies’ mentoring program did not do well was due to a â€Å"fragmented approach.†It is remarkable that the responses of employees on their company’s mentoring program range from satisfaction to what the editors say as â€Å"demotivated mentors and mentees.† This has shown that planning is crucial to its successful implementation. The successful ones had their focus on the technical advice and career development that are the most important issues for employees and their dream for advancement. This is a selling point for those institutions which are hesitant in their implementation (Tealdi and Donachie, 2007).The article also mentioned the nuances of the practice in terms of the different schemes each company that participated in the survey might utilize. This mean s that mentoring can be formal or informal, and it can be monitored or with minimal attention at all. However, as mentioned, a careful study on method, conceptual framework, system of monitoring and evaluation might be an effective preparation before the practice starts (Tealdi and Donachie, 2007).I think it will work in my workplace. Although, not as formally introduced and practiced as many other companies had done already, a few other co-workers had started an informal working relationship as mentor and mentee. This must be the reason that renewed interest and enthusiasm permeates the workplace milieu since its informal inception. I guess it will even work well if my organization’s leadership will institutionalize the program.ReferenceTealdi, Loris, John Donachie, Forum editors. Mentoring today for tomorrow: The Way Ahead  ©2003 –2007. Accessed June 25, 2007

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Gentle Barbarian, Turgenev essays

The Gentle Barbarian, Turgenev essays In 1870s Turgenev was known in Europe as the conducting Russian novelist, but he was far to not be known to the large public in Europe or America. In 1877 he has become world famous after the publication of Virgin Soil, his longest and most ambitious novel. In one month after the publication, fifty-two young people... were arrested in Russia on accusations of revolutionary conspiracy. This incident the public in America and France was shaken. Its effect on American readers was so enormous: as powerful, in its way, as the effect of Uncle Tom's Cabin had been. For Turgenev the novel was one more attempt to present the Russian situation with detachment, and above all he sought to show to his critics that he had not lost touch with the younger generation. (V. S. Pritchett). Some years ago the British writer and critic V.S. Pritchett asked: "What is it that attracts us to the Russian novelists of the nineteenth century?" What Pritchett was voicing was the obvious truth that the Russian writers touch and move us with immediacy, a sense of freshness and vitality that we do not always find in Western literature in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Turgenev creates moving novels that depict life in Russia. We respond to Russian writers, as we typically do not to most Anglo-Saxon writers. Turgenev evokes such a strong a sense of reality that readers with no particular passion for literature accept without qualification his vision of life. Some tentative answers to Pritchett's question may provide us with some understanding of why so much of the pessimistic literature of this century has failed to engage our deepest sympathies, our most profound sense of life. One of the most obvious characteristics of Russian fiction in the nineteenth century is the as tonishing way in which characters talk about themselves and others. In his book on Turgenev, The Gentle Barbarian, Pritchett writes: "It is the nature of Dostoevsky's genius to ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Fun and Interesting Chemistry Facts and Trivia

Fun and Interesting Chemistry Facts and Trivia Chemistry is a fascinating science full of unusual trivia. A list of some of the  most fun and most  interesting chemistry facts: The only solid elements that assume liquid form ​at room temperature are bromine and mercury. However, you can melt gallium by holding a lump in the warmth of your hand.Unlike many substances, water expands as it freezes. An ice cube takes up about 9% more volume than the water used to make it.If you pour a handful of salt into a full glass of water, the water level will actually go down rather than overflowing the glass.Similarly, if you mix half a liter of alcohol and half a liter of water, the total volume of the liquid will be less than one liter.There is about 1/2 lb or 250 g of salt (NaCl) in the average adult human body.A pure element takes many forms. For example, diamond and graphite both are forms of pure carbon.Many radioactive elements actually glow in the dark.The chemical name for water (H2O) is dihydrogen monoxide.The only letter not appearing on the periodic table is J.Lightning strikes produce O3, which is ozone, and strengthen the ozone layer of the atmospher e.The only two non-silvery metals are gold and copper. Although oxygen gas is colorless, the liquid and solid forms of oxygen are blue.The human body contains enough carbon to provide lead (which is really graphite) for about 9,000 pencils.Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, while oxygen is the most abundant element in the earths atmosphere, crust, and oceans (about 49.5%).The rarest naturally-occurring element in the earths crust may be astatine. The entire crust appears to contain about 28 g of the element.Hydrofluoric acid is so corrosive that it will dissolve glass. Although it is corrosive, hydrofluoric acid is considered to be a weak acid.One bucket full of water contains more atoms than there are buckets of water in the Atlantic ocean.Approximately 20% of the oxygen in the atmosphere was produced by the Amazon rainforest.Helium balloons float because helium is lighter than air.Bee stings are acidic while wasp stings are alkaline.Hot peppers get their heat from a molecule called capsaicin. While the molecule acts as an irritant to mammals, including humans, birds lack the receptor responsible for the effect and are immune to the burning sensation from exposure. Its possible to die from drinking too much water.Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide (CO2).Liquid air has a bluish tint, similar to water.You cant freeze helium simply by cooling it to absolute zero. It will freeze if you apply extremely intense pressure.By the time you feel thirsty, youve already lost about 1% of your bodys water.Mars is red because its surface contains a lot of iron oxide or rust.Sometimes hot water freezes more quickly than cold water. A high school student documented the effect, which bears his name (the Mpemba effect).

Monday, November 4, 2019

Techno Music in Detroit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Techno Music in Detroit - Essay Example Techno, although seen as the voiceless, computerized machine-music of the 1990s, actually originated in the mid-1980s in Detroit and Chicago where avant garde disco DJs were experimenting with minimalist ‘industrial’ sounds (Reynolds 1998: 2), influenced in parts by disco, Philly soul, and European synth-pop (Hoffmann), Few people associate techno with its African American origins yet the three individuals most closely associated with the birth of Detroit techno as a genre are the "Belleville Three", Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson and Derrick May. These three African American high school friends from Detroit learned and mastered the art of ‘mixing’ electronic music (Reynolds 1998: 2). They soon found to their surprise that their basement music was in dance floor demand, thanks in part to a Detroit radio personality known as The Electrifying Mojo (Reynolds 1998: 2). Mojo not only played their early home grown techno tracks, but also influenced the new sound by playing electronic music from pioneers like Kraftwerk who were based in DÃ ¼sseldorf, Germany. The band Kraftwerk was masterminded by Ralf HÃ ¼tter and Florian Schneider, and have been widely accredited as the major influence on Detroit techno. In particular, their albums `Autobahn` from 1975, `Transeuropa Express` from 1977 and `Die Mensch-Maschine` from 1978, contributed to their reputation as the ‘Godfathers of Techno’ (Reynolds 1998: 2). ... Though, Detroit had a larger African American population, the chcago area, which had segregated black neighbourhoods, produced DJs who had their own individualistic styles. Party holders took advantage of these styles and organised their down town gatherings by inviting the best DJs from both the Westside and the Southside neighbourhoods. These events usually housed up to 5000 young people from both Chicago and Detroit. This meant that the Chicago DJs had more structure and were cutting more than the Detroit DJs (Hoffmann). Eventually Detroit DJs started working on their own tracks and giving it to Chicago's 'Hot Mix people' who started playing it in the various clubs and on radio stations, calling it "the 'house' sound of Detroit". By linking this new sound to Chicago, its DJs controlled how much influence was given to Detroit owing to intense competition and a need to keep the music culture strong in Chicago alone (Hoffmann). However, there were many DJs who were happy to help DJs Juans and Derricks by playing their tracks tracks which were created by mixing and blending music, creating a smoother music compared to the Chicago DJs who had a different beat and a different vocal every eight bars. Although producers in both cities used the same hardware and even collaborated on projects and remixes together, Detroiters traded the choir-friendly vocals of House with metallic clicks, robotic voices and repetitive hooks reminiscent of an automotive assembly line. It is this characteristic of the genre that provides the argument by authors such as Williams (2001: 158) who suggests that Detroit techno was a soundtrack for the evisceration of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Write a reflection journal according to the questions that I will Movie Review

Write a reflection journal according to the questions that I will upload - Movie Review Example Through this method, she was able to give importance to each kid by letting them realize that they all had a role in the success of the project. Ms. Stewert’s method of teaching showed that she respected each child’s opinions. She gave them freedom to express whatever is on their mind, maybe interjecting only when necessary. She did not impede on the child’s self-discovery of things around his environment. Her teaching method showed that she believes that the opinion of the child should take precedence and must be nurtured and allowed to be developed. She encourages children to feel at ease even if they make mistakes. After observing Ms. Stewert’s style of teaching with regards to people with disabilities, I think that she believes that children will learn by experiencing the world around them. By introducing Rebecca to the children, she was able to let them understand and learn about people with disabilities. Although indirectly, she somehow showed them that each one is different yet each one has rights and duties in society. She made the children realize that it is important to respect every person no matter what their stature, age or physical appearance